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Climate change is here

Human impact through the use of fossil fuels is causing a rapid increase in greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. This leads to an increase in temperature and sea level. If we do not limit this increase to 1.5 degrees we will face severe consequences.

Climate change is happening and it is threatening our ecosystem, our home.

Industrial landscape with power lines and fossile fumes
Slow moving wind turbines

But renewables are not expanding fast enough

Renewable energy solutions provide only around 10% of our primary energy consumption. To reach net-zero by 2050 we need to 10x the amount of renewable energy systems.

But the available solutions are too costly, cannot be installed due to their complex logistics and installation, or they face public opposition.

Next generation
wind power

Our systems are a drastic improvement over existing wind turbines. Instead of a huge rigid tower and blades, we use a small tethered aircraft to harvest wind energy.

With only a fraction of the materials used we are able to provide low-cost electricity. Locations that were previously unfeasible are now within reach thanks to simpler logistics and setup.

At the same time, the landscape is less affected.

Icon showing material awareness
10x less material
Icon showing cost effectiveness
Low cost
Ich showing forest without disturbing wind turbine tower
Almost invisible


Find out about
Airborne Wind Energy.

How does it work? What are the key benefits?